x-bionic® sphere

Aktuálne dopravné obmedzenia počas podujatia 18-19.05.2024 The Championship 2024 nájdete tu .

x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, radi by sme vás informovali, že detské ihrisko AdventureLand je dňa 19.05.2024 pre verejnosť z dôvodu konania pretekov zatvorený. Ďakujeme za pochopenie, Team XBS.


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The water temperature is 14.4 degrees Celsius, the air temperature now is 18.5 and is going up. That means we will swim the original swim course of 1900 meter! It’s mandatory to swim with wetsuit. We strongly recommend to warm up in the water before start, which can be done left hand side of the swim start/exit. Have a great race everyone!