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Eat wisely and improve the quality of your life!

Do you want your food to be the perfect fuel that will help you get in shape? Do you want to feel good and, most of all, healthy? Do you not know where to begin?

Our nutritional counselling provides comprehensive consultations and packages that will help you achieve a positive lifestyle change. Everything is tailor-made, created to suit your basic requirements.

  • Comprehensive consultation.
  • Education, preparation of a suitable meal plan and setting up an appropriate physical activity programme.
  • Measurement of body composition using a Tanita weighing scale and figure assessment.
  • Analysis of medical examinations, preparation of a meal plan and setting up a physical activity programme.
  • Personalised meal plan with 7, 9, 16 or 24 recipe variants for each meal during the day, a list of recommended foodstuffs with their caloric values.
  • Supplementary plan with a recommended training plan.
  • Suitable waves of saccharides.
  • Client card for 3 or 6 months.
  • Lectures and seminars for fitness centres and schools.

Visit out nutritional counselling and together we will determine the next steps necessary to make food and physical exercise your “friends for life”!

Opening hours

We are opening on 1 March 2020 at x-bionic® sphere’s Gym!
Consultations take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


Plaťte s X-CARD a získajte kredit navyše. Za každých minutých 100€ získate na začiatku ďalšieho mesiaca 20€ navyše.

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Vizitka Juraja Laca

Mgr. Juraj Laco, PhD.

+421 915 808 920

Náš nutričný poradca

Juraj Laco je výživový poradca, ktorý donedávna pôsobil ako vedecký pracovník v Slovenskej akadémii vied. Absolvoval katedru molekulárnej biológie a následne doktorandské štúdium na katedre biochémie Prírodovedeckej fakulty UK v Bratislave. Doteraz sa venuje aj výskumu a pravidelne publikuje svoje vedecké štúdie doma aj v zahraničí.