x-bionic® wellness sphere

Vážení návštevníci, x-bionic® wellness sphere je v dňoch 19.-20.09.2024 zatvorený z dôvodu sanitácie. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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Quarantine Center for Elite Sports Šamorín

Ensuring the continuity of safe sports training during the current uncertain situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

Thanks to the joint initiative between the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee and the Olympic Training Center, a Quarantine Center for top sports was established in Šamorín with the aim to help Slovak sport by ensuring the continuity of sports trainingThe statute of the quarantine center for elite sports was supported  by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Slovak Republic.  Ivan Husár, as well as the Government Plenipotentiary for Youth and Sport, Karol Kučera. It was approved by the Central Crisis Headquarters while respecting the tightened regime in relation to the fight against the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

Mail: karantennecentrum@x-bionicsphere.com

Contact: +421 31 32 62 000


Click on the button bellow to download the document.

Compliance measures for the Quarantine Center and Price List