x-bionic® aquatic sphere

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Registration for your favorite run – Pomlé Run 8 is on

Sports fans, running enthusiasts and fans of the traditional Pomlé Run event pay attention, because we invite you to an event that is exceptional, different and in its way specific 8th year of Pomlé Run – ONLINE.

Everyone is able join. From the little ones, through hobby runners, to runners motivated to win. The virtual version of the event includes a children’s run, the main run for 10 kilometers and a new feature Šamorín vs. The world. An interesting start package included – an online discount code for the purchase of x-bionic® products and the Pomlé Run 8 event t-shirt.

So don’t sit at home, do something for your body and support with your involvement children who have won their fight over cancer. The entire amount of money gathered from the registration will go to the x-bionic® sphere foundation, in cooperation with the main partner of the CZ Slovakia event for the purposes of the Onco Games organization, a weekend full of sports.

Feel free to register.

More information at www.pomlerun.sk or on instagram @pomlerun

If necessary, please adress your questions to info@pomlerun.sk

Run, run, run, Pomlé Run !!!